What situations allow cops to have reasonable suspicion for DUI?

If a police officer in Florida stops you because they think you are driving under the influence, the officer must have a valid reason for stopping you. It’s important for you to know what can give a cop reasonable suspicion.

What is reasonable suspicion?

Reasonable suspicion is a legal theory that allows police officers to search a person or property if there’s evidence that a crime has been committed. In the case of driving under the influence or DUI, if an officer believes that a driver is intoxicated, it gives them cause to stop the driver, search their vehicle and arrest them. However, reasonable suspicion doesn’t apply if the officer asks a person to stop to simply answer questions. There must be an indication that a crime has already been committed.

What are examples of reasonable suspicion for DUI?

Certain scenarios are enough to give a police officer reasonable suspicion for DUI. These are legitimate reasons for an arrest and may require a good DUI defense once the case goes to court. They include the following:

  • Dangerous driving: There is reasonable suspicion if a driver operates a vehicle dangerously. Erratic maneuvering such as swerving in and out of lanes or traveling the wrong way are examples.
  • Speeding: A police officer can pull over a driver if they’re speeding or racing in spite of the posted legal speed limit.
  • Frequent braking: If a driver brakes frequently, it gives police reasonable suspicion to stop them. It can be a sign of a driver being intoxicated.
  • Driving very slowly: Even driving too slowly is a sign of possible intoxication. It’s reasonable for a police officer to be suspicious.
  • Missing a near-accident: Drivers who just miss getting into an accident might be suspected of driving under the influence.
  • Traffic violations: If a driver violates traffic laws, it gives just cause for an officer to stop them under suspicion of DUI.
  • Vehicle issues: Issues with a vehicle like a broken light may constitute reasonable suspicion for a traffic stop as well.

All of these examples allow police officers to legally stop a driver. If there’s sufficient evidence that the individual committed a DUI, the officer can arrest them.

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